West Darfur

  • 网络西达尔富尔省
West DarfurWest Darfur
  1. Sudan , West Darfur State IDP camps


  2. Reports say the victims include " children and new-born infants . " The clashes were started last week by a fight between people of two tribes in the capital city of West Darfur State .


  3. I have been in Garsila , West Darfur , for about two weeks now .


  4. The governor of the west Darfur state planned to accompany the body back to Khartoum , added al-Amin .


  5. The Sudanese government has been partly blamed for the latest upsurge in fighting , including a large-scale ground and air campaign aimed at reestablishing its control over parts of West Darfur under rebel control .
